Indian Jerusalem
The Jerusalem artichoke isn’t actually linked to Jerusalem at all. Its name comes from an Italian term for sunflower. These root veggies have a rough dark skin and taste a lot like potatoes. In India, a major exporter is shipping out tons of these each year. With more people getting into these root vegetables, exports from India are climbing too. This opens up a fantastic chance for Indian exporters to grow their business and tap into the global market. The exports include different types and qualities of the Jerusalem artichoke.
Global Market Demand
The exporter of Jerusalem artichokes in India is sending high-quality products to different regions around the globe. People are becoming more aware of the uses and advantages of Jerusalem artichokes, leading to a rise in global demand for this root vegetable. As a result, imports of Jerusalem artichokes from India have been steadily growing in recent years.
Uses & Benefits
= Jerusalem artichoke is a great source of potassium. A single cup provides approximately 643 mg of this vital mineral, which plays a key role in maintaining good health. Additionally, it may contribute to lowering the risk of heart disease.
= Jerusalem artichokes are packed with more protein compared to many other root vegetables. They are abundant in essential amino acids that contain sulfur, such as taurine, methionine, homocysteine, and cysteine. These amino acids play a crucial role in keeping connective tissues flexible and support the liver in its detoxification processes..
= Jerusalem is rich in iron, which is vital for your body. Iron plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen to every single cell throughout your body.