Indian Clove
Cloves are the fragrant flower buds derived from a tree belonging to the Myrtaceae family. In India, clove exporters supply this spice to approximately 149 countries globally. The export of cloves from India has seen significant growth over the years, driven by the increasing global demand for this spice. This trend presents a valuable business opportunity for Indian clove exporters to broaden their operations and reach international markets. The clove export process from India encompasses a range of different varieties of this spice.
Global Market Demand
During the period of 2019-2020, India exported cloves valued at approximately 91.62 million USD. The total quantity of cloves exported during this timeframe reached around 5,498,639 metric tons. The primary importers of cloves from India included Kuwait, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Panama, and the United Arab Emirates. The combined export value of cloves to these five leading countries amounted to roughly 45.76 million USD.
Uses & Benefits
:= Cloves are believed to assist in combating dental plaque. Certain studies indicate that utilizing toothpaste or mouthwash that includes clove can be advantageous for oral health.
= Cloves may assist in alleviating excessive perspiration. Studies indicate that the application of clove oil to the palms over a period of approximately two weeks could contribute to a reduction in excessive sweating in that area.
= Clove oil is reputed to serve as an effective mosquito repellent. When applied directly to the skin, either in its oil form or as a gel, it is claimed to provide protection against mosquitoes for a duration of up to five hours.
= The application of a gel containing clove oil to the skin may also alleviate intense itching